Part 124: Ep. 88: A Lame Pun Or Other Play On Words Having To Do With Fire


That is indeed a Sim! We seem to have found the owner of the campsite--and he is blocking the door into the Moon Shrine. Sam moves to talk to him, and...

I... I can't. Anyway.

Oh my.

Sir Vincent Skullfinder--I enjoy typing that--is shocked and appalled.

Sam is dismissed, but he's not about to take that lying down! He's going to make a note of it!

Like, possibly, "Help me out and I'll return all the stuff I stole out of your tent!"
As long as we're here, though:

Are you related to Brandi, by any chance?
Anyway, it sounds like the fourth and final salvageable machine is inside the Moon Shrine, but Sam can't get in unless Sir Vincent moves. Sam will have to go ransack the campsite again, this time for information.

After he explores the area, of course.

Sam returns to the campsite and pokes around some more. We seem to have stolen everything of use from the tent. What about the laptop?

Let's do that!

Sam just barely manages to hack into Skullfinder's laptop before the security protocols boot him out, and...

Well! The nerve!

But first we're going to play some videogames, or at least pirate them to play on the arcade machine back at HQ!

Let's go see if we can make a deal with Sir Skullfinder.

Sam nods, tersely. A deal is struck! Sam notes it down.

FOUND IT oh wait
While Sam is running around dealing with Skullfinder, Lyndsay is also running around, cheering for everything she looks at. She's just so stoked to be here.

Pillars and parts of pillars litter the ground in front of the Sun Shrine. There's a fenergy vent, unsurprisingly, and no entrance that we can reach from the ground...

... and Professor Nova is the best at poetry.

Sam piles up the stones into a single five-block-high tower and puts that at the end of the semicircle of towers, on top of Buddy because he won't move goddammit.

Now he can jump from tower to tower to reach that ledge around the sun god's shoulders--

--where there is a locked trapdoor blocking his way.

It's a very simple lock, as befits something so old.

Eventually the ancient trapdoor gives way and is flung open.

Sam jumps down into the Sun Shrine--

... you... you sellout! You poseur!

Sam dismisses the text and leaps off the ledge, into the depths of the Sun Shrine.


EA Render: Sir Vincent Skullfinder
Best name. Excellent eyes. Also, his outfit is hilarious. He seems to be missing his characteristic chiseled cheekbones in the render, however.
Fun fact: Sir Vincent is one of the few MySims to be referenced in the mainline Sims games. If you go to the graveyard in The Sims 3 and study the gravestones, you'll find one with his name on it--the ghost which emerges from it is indeed an older black gentleman. Sadly, said ghost does not share Sir Vincent's amazing fashion sense.